embassy cult ovalle 1

Families of all ages, and especially older adults, were delighted with the show offered by the group.

The performances of the Amaya choir and the Imán and folklore theater groups, in addition to the recitation skills of one of its members, formed the program of the cultural embassy organized by the Circle of Active Seniors (Amaya), with the support of the Extension Directorate of the University of La Serena and the Illustrious Municipality of Ovalle. 

The meeting was attended by authorities from said Municipality, headed by the mayor of the city, Claudio Rentería, the members of Amaya and a large number of older adults from Ovallinos, who went with their families to share a pleasant moment of joy and fun. 

embassy cult ovalle 2In this regard, the mayor highlighted the vitality, the youth transmitted and thanked the support of the University of La Serena in this type of initiatives. “I feel very happy that there is this fraternity between the older adults of La Serena with the city of Ovalle, and also thank the Extension Directorate of the University of La Serena (…), I think that what matters today is tolerance, the work that each of the older adults who have a lot to deliver has to do (…). With these activities the University is sheltering older adults and I feel very happy about that, just as we are doing it in the Municipality of Ovalle,” said the councilor.

The person in charge of the Office for the Elderly of the Ovallino municipality, María Isabel Orrego, was also present at the activity, who received Amaya's proposal and accompanied them in the coordination. “I feel that older adults make a much greater effort than young people, but at the same time they are very happy to show themselves, to communicate, to say here I am and I am current and that is very valid and has a lot of value,” she said.

This show showed the work of the workshops carried out during the year and was the last cultural embassy of 2014; However, the organization left the invitation open for those adults from Ovalle who wanted to visit Amaya in La Serena. 

It should be noted that this activity is organized within the framework of the School for the Elderly, belonging to the Extension Directorate of the University of La Serena.

Source: Press Extension Direction

respiratory system talk

In simple language and through various examples, the speaker presented the 3 most common lung diseases in the community. 

Through questions and describing their own experiences, attendees actively participated in the last academic conference "Prevention and Care of the Respiratory System in the Elderly" and the workshop titled with the same name, where the academic from the Kinesiology career of the U from La Serena, Mg. Álvaro Puelles Díaz, addressed the major respiratory problems present in the population and the most common diseases in elderly patients.

"Being in a presentation in front of older adults is super gratifying. First, because you can correlate what you have as knowledge with the experiences of older adults," said the expert. 

Sixto Cortés, who confesses that he has suffered from bronchopulmonary problems since he was very young, thanked him for this activity and highlighted the experience and explanations provided by the professional in this area. "He really gave us 100% teaching (...). The teacher was very didactic, I was very happy with my wife, we congratulate him because he really was very helpful to us." 

During the talk, the professional addressed topics based on the respiratory system, explaining "what its functions are and treating 3 of the diseases that are important to society. We treat community-acquired pneumonia, which is very different from hospital-acquired pneumonia, we treat bronchial asthma, which we know is highly prevalent and also a disease that has been growing, increasing in its severity and also in its prevalence, which is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, mainly due to tobacco. With that we try to keep up to date on what the Chilean health system is in relation to these three pathologies," described the Mg. Alvaro Puelles.

Practice through a workshop 

As has been the custom in activities with the Kinesiology major, this conference had a second part in which attendees acquired tools that will help them identify respiratory problems present in them and those close to them. 

“We started by teaching some ways to evaluate and ended with a flowmetry workshop in which they could compare themselves with a norm, and establish if they were fine, if they were normal, or with some decrease and then wondering if there was any associated pathology, or something. for that matter, which could trigger a subsequent consultation (…). The most important thing is to become aware that my breathing is not the most appropriate or not the most efficient and with some exercises to be able to improve it,” said Álvaro Puelles. 

This activity concluded the cycle of academic conferences "Abriendo Horizontes", belonging to the School for the Elderly, which is organized by the Extension Directorate of the University of La Serena and at the same time puts an end to a cycle of 3 workshops held in the Kinesiology career, in order to bring these relevant topics and learning to the community in general.

Source: Press Extension Direction

conf dentistry

Oral health in the elderly, importance of milk teeth and oral cancer, were the three previous topics that gave life to this second cycle of talks of the race.

Four activities comprised the cycle of academic conferences "The Importance of taking care of your oral health", instances that transmitted relevant information on topics related to oral health by academic specialists in each subject covered. The final activity was the conference "How my diabetes and hypertension affect my oral health", given by Dr. (c) Matías I. Letelier Muñoz, dental surgeon, specialist in oral implantology and oral rehabilitation, and assistant professor at the ULS Dentistry career.

In the activity, the academic delved into different guidelines regarding non-communicable diseases, diabetes and hypertension, and their implications for dental interventions, in addition to recommendations on informing the professional and precautions that must be taken before any intervention. 

Regarding the objective of this cycle organized by the Extension Directorate in conjunction with the Dentistry program, Letelier highlighted that "this cycle of talks is part of our management to be able to publicize the pathologies, the daily concerns of the dentist, the career in Dentistry, and take them to a more real level, so that the same people who live here in La Serena can come to a talk, can learn about these topics that we deal with and with that information we improve their quality of life, we improve the information "We educate a little, we give promotion and health education tips, which they value a lot." 

It should be noted that this is the second cycle of conferences that the degree has carried out in its mission to bring these issues to the community in general. 

Finally, the Director of Extension, Dr. Catalina Cvitanic, also referred to the objective of the cycle, and the contribution made by the Directorate of Extension in the dissemination of the academic work and promotion of these new careers of the institution. “The academic cycles are setting an important benchmark for our University, since our academic work is easily expressed to the community, and in this particular case regarding dentistry, there is no doubt that the advice of our experts will contribute to improving the quality of life of our followers.”

Source: Press Extension Direction

gabriela mistral radio

The guest on this last program will be Professor Eduardo Enrique Gajardo, who will talk about his relationship with Gabriela Mistral and how he was motivated to create music for some of our Nobel Prize in Literature's poems.

This Sunday, November 30, at noon, the last program of the “Sonidos Mistralianos” cycle will be broadcast, a space broadcast by Radio Universitaria FM and hosted by musician Raúl “Talo” Pinto. 

The guest on this last program will be Professor Eduardo Enrique Gajardo, who will talk about his relationship with Gabriela Mistral and how he was motivated to create music for some of the poems by our Nobel Prize winner in Literature (“Corro Luminous”, “Piececitos de Niño”, “Rocío” and “Sonnets of Death”).

Eduardo E. Gajardo is a composer and voice education teacher. He traveled throughout Chile and part of Europe with the Chamber Choir of the University of La Serena. He is currently retired, although he continues with his choral action in the city of La Serena.

The sixth program of “Sonidos Mistralianos” can be heard through 94.5 FM and its online signal available at: http://www.userena.cl/index.php/comunicaciones/radio-universitaria.

“Mistralian Sounds”

This University Radio space is part of the project “Sonidos Mistralianos: compositions that rescue the legacy of our Nobel Prize in Literature”, financed by the Media Fund 2014, of the Ministry of the General Secretariat of Government. 

The initiative of the station, dependent on the ULS Protocol and Communications Directorate, considers the creation of six programs around the figure of Gabriela Mistral, allowing citizens to bring closer the expression of the intellectual values ​​that gave meaning to life and work. of the poetess 

The series of “Mistralian Sounds” will be distributed to more than 70 educational establishments in La Serena and Coquimbo.

journalism expo 1

The exhibition brings together a total of 56 works, which point to human interest through photoreportage, interview photography and the abstract concept.

With the aim of presenting the hard work and compositional evolution of the students of the School of Journalism of the U. de La Serena, the academic of the subject of Photography I and II, Mg. Cristian Muñoz Catalán will hold the exhibition “Mirada Selectiva”, a photographic exhibition that is in its fifth version and is made up exclusively of photographs taken by students of said career, which aims to capture, through the lens, different themes focused on human interest and develop journalistic genres typical of photojournalism.

The mentor of this exhibition, Mg. Cristian Muñoz, maintained that “'Mirada Selectiva' is the 5th exhibition that the School of Journalism holds with its students of the photography subject and in essence, what it tries to do is to culminate a teaching-learning process where the students They can show their work that they have done throughout 2014", adding that "what is intended, first, is to highlight the role of photography in the construction of the story and reality that it has in the media and , in turn, so that the kids can, in some way, feel validated an entire work process that sometimes takes a lot of time and that now they have the opportunity to be appreciated by the people who visit us at the exhibition."

journalism expo 2This production and assembly, after a selection of the best works of 2014, will present around 56 works that are distributed in a frame, with 4 photos each, in which students who are in their 3rd year of study participate and in which they also “reporting works from the previous year are included, because due to calendar issues they were always left out of the exhibition and now they are included because they are precisely those that, generally, meet the best conditions because they have already completed an entire process and a deeper topic and developed from a journalistic point of view,” stressed the academic of the subject.

The exhibition, which is part of the Extension Directorate's exhibition cycle, will be open to the community in the ULS Exhibition Hall, at 950 Benavente Street, in La Serena, and will open on Wednesday, December 3 at 18:00 p.m. hrs. Admission is free and suitable for all audiences until Friday, December 19 during opening hours, Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and Monday to Thursday from 15:30 p.m. to 18:30 p.m. and on Fridays from 15:30 p.m. :17 to 30:XNUMX p.m.

For more information about this photographic exhibition, carried out by students of the Journalism program of the higher education institution, you only have to go to the ULS Extension Center, located at 446 Prat Street, La Serena, or contact 2204171 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Source: Press Extension Direction

theater play 1 Nov 21

More than a hundred educators enjoyed an activity that ended with an entertaining performance of mathematical games and puzzles. 

After a year of successful performances, the educational comedy "Historias Matemágicas alcubo" made its last presentation of the year 2014 at the Hotel Club La Serena. This time with a teaching audience, coming from various establishments in the Coquimbo Region and who met in said place at the regional meeting for coordinators and managers of School Libraries of the Learning Resources Center (CRA), organized by the MINEDUC. 

The coordinator of School Libraries, CRA, Gladys Bruna, said that "this was a very important opportunity for teachers to realize how important mathematics is, that it can be taught in a playful way, more enjoyable, more understandable to children, who today have a lot of information. This was a very good opportunity for teachers and those in charge of the CRA libraries," said the professional, adding that "this was the opportunity for many teachers and those in charge who were present here at the event, realized that at the University there is a way to teach mathematics more easily".

theater play 2 Nov 21The educational assistant at the Samuel Román Rojas High School in Combarbalá, Roberto Cortés, highlighted the creative and playful way of teaching this subject, since for many students it is one of the least loved and most difficult to understand subjects in the classroom. "Personally, I had never seen a work related to numbers, to the subject of mathematics, so it seemed very new to me. The children's grades lately have not been very good, so these are ways to bring numbers closer to the students ”, he commented.

Finally, the actress and creator of this great theatrical and educational success, Dr. Catalina Cvitanic, said that "from a pedagogical point of view we are very satisfied with the excellent reception and recognition that our work has in the educational field, the teachers of the different subjects recognize it as a contribution to teaching. On the other hand, we are also proud that the staging is successful in the theatrical aspect, this is the first time that we present the play to an audience made up only of adults and We could see that people enjoyed the comedy and were entertained by it.”

For more information about this work, you can visit the ULS Extension Center, located at Prat 446, in La Serena or call 2204171 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Source: Press Extension Direction