The current summer version of the “Children's University” is held with joy and enthusiasm

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Boys, girls and young people are happy with their time at the University. 

The programming of the “Children's University, Summer 2015” includes two full weeks of activities aimed at children in the home, with the aim of opening the University and bringing its academics and its departments closer to the community. Artistic, recreational and, above all, vocational workshops make up this varied offer of the current version organized by the Extension Directorate of the University of La Serena. 

happy kids 2Entertainment and fun hand in hand with interesting knowledge is what the students of the “Children's University” can receive in this new version. This week's activities have already begun, which will continue until January 23. During the closing day, there will be an emotional closing ceremony where students will have the opportunity to show what they have learned.

There are several workshops that are being developed this week, including Children's Theater, Kinesiology, Video Games, Photography and Improvised Singing, the latter taught by the renowned regional folklorist Raúl “Talo” Pinto, who was very satisfied with the results of your activity. “This workshop met expectations because the idea was to encourage the little ones to work with rhyme, playing games with different songs, looking for similar words that sound good, we didn't even talk about the concept of rhyme, we simply looked for words that sounded similar. So (…) the important thing is to play, the important thing is to do, the important thing is that they have achieved an interaction with their classmates by doing creativity, in this case through the word, and the word has rhythm and has melody, so we play with melodies and we play with different rhythms, based on the words in this case,” he commented.

happy kids 3The singing workshop was the first of the program to complete its activities with great success and students were quite happy with what they learned. “It was very nice, they taught us the rhymes, they taught us some songs (…), my mother always enrolls me (in the workshops) because she likes me to learn and because she says that I get bored at home,” said the student Antonia Wall. 

It should be noted that there are thirteen workshops that in total make up this program of the “Universidad de Los Ninos, Summer 2015”, to which is also added a special workshop taught for all lovers of Astronomy.

Source: Press Extension Direction