Schoolchildren and music teachers enjoyed successful educational concerts and motivational talks

school symphony

The interventions carried out by the performers of the Universidad de La Serena Symphony Orchestra made it possible to make their cultural work known to new audiences in the territory.

Accompanied by a renewed programming, the group belonging to the Network of Regional Professional Orchestras of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage inaugurated the first cycle of educational mediations of the 2018 season in new destinations in the Coquimbo Region.

As has been customary since previous years, these interventions included musical classes and educational concerts in different parts of the conurbation, including rural establishments, such as Colegio Algarrobito, Colegio El Romeral and Colegio Las Rojas, in addition to the Liceo Juan Bautista de la Salle, Colegio Special Manuel Rodríguez and Liceo Ignacio Carrera Pinto de La Serena. Along with these presentations and in an unprecedented way, this year motivational and technical talks were included aimed at students from the Claudio Arrau School in Coquimbo and music teachers from the Carlos Condell School and Luis Braile School, belonging to the Gabriel González Videla Corporation.

symphony schools2Lucía Bolados Martínez, support professional in the Innovation and Management Unit of the municipal entity and for these purposes, coordinator of said concerts, assured that “for us it is a pleasure to be able to keep active, for 3 years, this enriching alliance with the orchestra. This year we want to extend the mediation process and for that we have focused on three programmatic lines: inclusion, technical high schools and continuing to visit rural establishments. It is proven that music is a transversal educational element that benefits the development of personal skills, music itself and general culture.”

Regarding the recently incorporated talks, he maintained that symphonic training “in and of itself is something unknown to our students for the most part; However, thanks to music teachers, it has been possible to expand the musical spectrum and with it, its different styles (...). This year's work was intensified in two aspects: improving the mediation processes and for this we included a motivational talk to music educators, and on the other hand, there is learning about instruments, new for our students, which are reaching others. schools,” the professional emphasized.

Music available to new audiences

During the development of this first cycle of musical interventions in the region, led by the string ensembles of the professional group, it was possible to bring the music and cultural work of the symphonic ensemble to new audiences in the territory, disseminating it in a playful and explanatory way. the beginnings of this art and the evolution that music has had according to the different periods in history.

For the educational communities, these instances were of great help to learn about and open up to new styles and composers, in addition to sharing musical experiences with the performers and experiencing a masterful, participatory and motivational music class on their own campus.

symphony schools3For the 2nd year student of the Claudio Arrau School, Rayen Mery Cancino, the talk offered by the first bassoon of the orchestra, Alevi Peña, “allowed me to clear up several doubts about the musical career, and he also shared key data about his life as a musician. . In my case, I want to dedicate myself to this and this talk helped me a lot to know what I am going to face in the future, which is studying composition.”

For his part, Felipe Lamas Callejas, from the Liceo Juan Bautista de la Salle, indicated that “he had never seen a string ensemble and it really was great. I found the concert to be very rewarding and relaxing at the same time, because they showed diverse styles of music, from classical composers to more modern authors and that musical journey was spectacular, I learned a lot.”

Finally, student John Zamora, from the 4th year of the Ignacio Carrera Pinto High School, thanked him for the opportunity he had at his establishment, commenting that “not only was I able to listen to a very good program, but I was also able to interact with the musicians and clear up my own doubts.” ", like managing frustration when you reach a point where you feel like you are no longer advancing, but with this exchange of experience I am eager to continue practicing and improve my instrument, which is percussion."

As part of the itinerary and responding to the orchestra's mission to bring music to new audiences, the performers taught and interacted with hundreds of young people with different abilities.

For the director of the Manuel Rodríguez Special School, Marcela Góngora Flores, “this presentation was a valuable opportunity for our students, they were able to enjoy the music and become little conductors for a few minutes, which puts them on the same path as people without disability, managing to enjoy these cultural spaces inclusively.”

symphony schools4Finally, María Soledad Hernández, director of the Luis Braile School, extended her gratitude to the Gabriel González Videla Corporation and the professional orchestra for performing at the establishment, “since one of our hallmarks of the school is music where we have orchestras and bands made up of children (as) with multideficit. The fact that they listen to the experience of a musician is highly significant because they can project their work into the future and learn about musical concepts.”

It should be noted that these mediation activities are part of the 2018 season and are developed thanks to the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, from whom it receives part of its financing through Glosa of the National Budget since 2016; in addition to the support provided by the University of La Serena and the Municipality of La Serena, through its Department of Culture.

Currently the group is preparing its second concert of the season inspired by British roots, within the framework of the 'Symphonies of Cultures' program. For more information about this and other presentations, visit the portal and follow the Fanpage: 'Orquesta Sinfónica Universidad de La Serena', Twitter: @sinfonicaLS and Instagram: sinfonicalaserena.

Source: La Serena University Symphony Orchestra