The “Psychology and Contemporary Society” cycle begins with a conference on dreams


This activity began a program of three talks that will be given at the Cuatro Esquinas Community and Cultural Center.

Like every year, the Department of Psychology of the University of La Serena began its cycle of academic conferences entitled: “Psychology and Contemporary Society”, which on this occasion is again organized in collaboration with the Directorate of Liaison with the Environment and Extension of the study house and includes for this year a special strategic alliance with the Cuatro Esquinas Community and Cultural Center, of the Municipality of La Serena.

This program is made up of six useful conferences, in simple language and aimed at the entire community, and began with the theme "Dreams, their psychological and spiritual value", dictated by the academic, Mg. Mauricio Cerda Beroíza, clinical psychologist with a major in Jungian psychology. The conference addressed basic aspects regarding dreams: what they are according to modern psychology, what types of dreams exist, when you dream, and others. In addition, he explained the understanding that Jungian psychology has achieved regarding the art of interpreting dreams and the value they have from a psychospiritual perspective.

dreams2Regarding the space and the attendance, given that this is the first of three conferences that the cycle includes in the municipal Community Center space, the academic Mauricio Cerda highlighted: “it seemed like a glove to me, because it has to do with the purpose we have. at the School of Psychology with this series of talks, which is to get closer to the community (...). I thought it was good and I saw that there was a great turnout and clearly part of the turnout is the people who are regulars at this center, so we are meeting the objective.”

The following activities to be carried out in this same space will be: “The psychological expert report and its main characteristics”, which will be dictated by Mg. Paola Denmark, June 27; and later “Sexually diverse: updating basic concepts”, which will be guided by Mg. Natalia Guerrero, on July 25.

For more information, call 2204171 or on the DIVEULS social networks.

Source: DIVEULS press