Provide recommendations to reduce or eliminate back pain

talk column

The objective of these activities was to work in the search for “healthy aging”, putting into practice what was learned and becoming aware of the care that must be taken with oneself. 

"Why does my spine hurt? Myths and truths about spinal care" was the title of the conference given by the director of the Kinesiology program at the University of La Serena, Mg. Alfredo Gary, within the framework of the series of talks. from the School for the Elderly of the ULS Extension Directorate. On the occasion, the kinesiologist gave, in a playful and entertaining way, various tips for the care of the spine and back pain.

During his presentation, the professional delved into what should and should not be done to reduce or completely eliminate back pain, teaching how to recognize the symptoms of the pathology and various practical and easy-to-memorize exercises to work on good posture and a good body movement.

The objective, as the rapporteur pointed out, was to work in the search for “healthy aging”, putting into practice what was learned and becoming aware of the care that must be taken with oneself. 

For their part, those attending the workshop of the same name, which consists of four sessions, began their practice with familiar language and simple physical exercises, reviewing in particular the main errors made when carrying heavy objects, which produce uncomfortable ailments. 

Both activities, organized jointly by the Extension Directorate and the ULS Kinesiology program, have given each of the attendees the necessary knowledge to know what to do when suffering from lower back pain. This is how important recommendations were given, including: breathe and exhale appropriately, bend your legs well, take care of the distance between your extremities, improve your posture and self-evaluate your way of carrying out activities, integrating exercises with elastic bands and inflatable balls. , to improve posture, and do everything possible to avoid ailments in the lumbar area.

For those who wish to find out about these and other activities, you can go to the ULS Extension Center, call 51 2 204171 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..