ULS Symphony Orchestra invites you to enjoy its Educational Concerts

educational concert

With the aim of forming new audiences, the professional musicians in the cast tour different schools sharing their talent and love for music.

As a great contribution to the socialization of classical orchestral music in the community, the Educational Concerts promoted by the Symphony Orchestra of the University of La Serena (OSULS), which since April has been visiting schools and institutions to share its talent.

There are already more than 3 thousand schoolchildren who have enjoyed the presentations of the Brass Quintet, String Quartet and a second String Quartet plus Clarinet, which have prepared repertoires dedicated especially to educational communities.

 “Within our work as OSULS, is bringing music to every corner. During this year we have attended schools with different chamber orchestras and during the month of August the full orchestra went to the establishments, generating a wonderful meeting where children discover the sound of instruments, for the first time, and that is one of the main values ​​of playing live,” said Cristian Monreal, coordinator of this initiative.

“It is a very nice experience,” said Monreal, who is also part of the cast. “Personally, it is wonderful to see the shine in some children's eyes and that is priceless. They then tell their families, so, without a doubt, we sow a seed since each concert generates a magical moment and the children feel it that way,” highlighted the musician.

For those who wish to enjoy an Educational Concert in their establishment during the remainder of September and November of this year, registrations are still open on the website of the Universidad de La Serena Symphony Orchestra: www.sinfonicalaserena.cl.