Contact us

Strategic needs
 For example:
-When a unit is being born or formulating your annual action plan. It is the opportunity to ask yourself and explore how to align management with communication, in the unit, in the institution and with regard to interest groups.
- When you need to revitalize or renew the spirit of the work teams. This situation is conducive to finding collective purposes, built with and from the team members, safeguarding that these align with the institutional purpose.
- When you want to plan your unit's communication, with a medium and long term view
- When you need to analyze the perception of your unit have the target audiences
- When you need to discuss communication and management ideas, with a strategic view
The official channel to receive your needs is This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Our commitment is to respond to your request in less than 48 business hours. If you spend more time, please go to the address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.