In Brazil they present a book on social and school inclusion of children with autism

book inclusion autism uls

Dr. Pablo Castro's publication tells the story of a boy with autism named Thales and his experience of school inclusion.

The social and school inclusion of children with autism is the central theme of the children's book entitled "He was my friend”, published in Brazil by the academic of the University of La Serena, Dr. Pablo Castro, together with Dr. Luciene Tognetta, from the Paulista State University, and which is part of a series of school coexistence of the Adonis Publishing.

book inclusion autism uls2The professor from the Department of Psychology commented that the book, which tells the story of a boy with autism named Thales and his experience of school inclusion, “was published in February of this year and has been widely accepted and disseminated; to date, 3.700 copies have already been sold and it has also been acquired by Brazilian municipalities for all fifth-year students in their schools, and by private schools in the state of Sao Paulo and Bahia”.

The book illustrated by cartoonist Paulo R. Masserani was presented at the Gostinho de Leitura space of the Adonis Publishing, in the city of Americana, opportunity in which Dr. Castro participated in the signing of texts. In said event, the story was told to the boys, girls and adults in attendance, by the storytellers Vanessa Aranha Morimoto and Alyssa Tomiyama. Plus, there was live music and popcorn for everyone to enjoy while listening to the book's narration.

Visit to educational establishments

During his stay in Brazil, the ULS academic visited schools, signing books, talking with students from more than a dozen courses, and interacting with teachers, administrators, and parents. The schools visited in the state of Sao Paulo were the Augusta Ravagnani Basso school, in the Cruzeiro neighborhood, and Neusa de Souza Campos, in Rosa e Silva Park, both in the city of Sumaré. He also visited the Biocentric Inclusive College, in the city of Nova Odessa.

Written by Gonzalo Lozano, Communications Department