

Rector of the University of La Serena
Dr. Luperfina Rojas Escobar

Dear Community:

The University of La Serena is an institution of Higher Education of the State of Chile, autonomous and with legal personality. It was born on March 20, 1981 from the merger of the former State Technical University and the University of Chile, giving rise to the only State University of the Coquimbo Region.

After 42 years from its origin, the University of La Serena is in full growth phase within a framework of strategic development, in which the search for excellence, equity and complexity is harmonized, achieving results that distinguish the ULS in the scenario of the Higher Education System of Chile.

Today, our Institution is accredited by the National Accreditation Commission (CNA Chile), as a University of a complex nature, for a period of 5 years in 4 areas: Institutional Management, Undergraduate Teaching, Research and Links with the Environment. .

The ULS's mission is to cultivate, generate, develop and transmit superior knowledge in the various areas of knowledge and domains of culture, through teaching, research, creation, innovation, university extension and links with the environment. As its own and distinctive feature, it has to contribute to satisfy the needs of general interests of society, collaborating, as an integral part of the State, in all those policies, plans and programs that promote cultural, social, territorial, artistic, scientific, technological development. , economic and sustainable development of the country, at a national and regional level, with an intercultural perspective.

Along with this, as a constitutive and unavoidable element of its mission, our House of Higher Studies, assumes with a vocation for excellence the training of people with a critical and reflective spirit, who promote rational dialogue and tolerance, and who contribute to forging a citizenship inspired by ethical, democratic, civic and social solidarity values, respectful of human rights, gender equality, indigenous peoples and the environment.

In this new period, where I began my work as Rector of the University of La Serena, I want to thank the trust placed in me to lead the destinies of the University of La Serena, a state and regional university, committed to excellence and equity. , in which our students, academics, officials and officials, work collaboratively for the development and growth of our beloved House of Studies, in the permanent search for quality and excellence, to respond to the expectations that our society demands of us. .


La Dr. Luperfina Rojas Escobar is a PhD in Engineering from Nagaoka University, Japan. She has a master's degree in Engineering from the same university. She has a master's degree in General Business Management and a Commercial Engineer from the Autonomous University of Chile. She received the President of the Republic Scholarship from the Government of Chile, the Rotary International Scholarship from Japan, and the Makita Scholarship Foundation Scholarship from Japan.

Associate Professor at the University of La Serena, author and co-author of scientific publications on topics of Leadership and Organizational Behavior.

She has served as Dean of the Faculty of Social, Business and Legal Sciences. She has been Director of the Department of Economic and Business Sciences, Director of the School of Commercial Engineering of our institution, Director of the Master's Degree in Leadership, Management and Strategic Communication of the University of La Serena and Director of the RUTA University Magazine of the same house of studies.

President of the Association of Senior Managers of the Faculties of Administration and Business (ASFAE), an organization that brings together 33 Chilean universities; President of the Board of Administration and Commerce of the Agency Acredita CI of the College of Engineers of Chile. Peer institutional evaluator of the CNA.

President of the Civil Society Council of the General Treasury of the Republic.

In 2019, she received the distinction as a tourism ambassador from the EUROCHILE Business Foundation, together with the Chamber of Tourism of the Coquimbo Region and the National Tourism Service.

She was elected Rector of the University of La Serena for the period 2022-2026, becoming the first woman to hold this position at the state university in the Coquimbo Region.