Parents of “Los Papayitos” Kindergarten participate in psychoeducational workshop “Growing up with our children”

capsi papayitos

The workshop was held at the Papayitos Kindergarten and featured presentations by psychologists from the Comprehensive Health Psychological Care Center (CAPSI).

With the aim of providing parental skills tools to parents and/or guardians of “Los Papayitos” Kindergarten, the psychoeducational workshop “Growing up with Our Children” was held, which had psychologists from CAPSI as speakers and which is the first of several workshops that will be held between now and the end of the year.

Vanesa Díaz, manager of the garden, thanked the workshop and the knowledge that was shared, highlighting “the importance of communication in the family, of communicating and for it to be effective, and dealing with problems with children with a lot of patience and affection. and avoid threats and aggressive behavior; “You learned with your parents' patterns and that no longer applies,” she said.

Likewise, Bianca Payacán, CAPSI psychologist, expressed that during the workshop basic tools were given to parents so that they have a more harmonious relationship with their children and highlighted their participation. “I think they learned a lot of things in relation to the limits and competencies that their children must have in order to grow together (…) that they come to an instance here to participate and that they inform themselves and that they were given tools that may be basic, it is already a contribution to the development of their children,” he indicated. 

Finally, Marisol Avilés, social worker at the “Los Papayitos” Garden, emphasized the role that the establishment plays not only in the comprehensive education of children, but also as help for parents. “The idea is to be able to provide tools to children. parents so that they can better exercise their role (…). "They say, no one teaches us how to be dads, but it never hurts to strengthen the skills they have as a dad, rather than focusing on weaknesses," she said.